Monday, November 1, 2010

the tail wagging the dog

If we allow 0 to represent quality and 6 to represent quantity, we have 0 with a tail on it, and in this quantitative time, where quantity rules over quality, of 666, we live in the time of the unholy trinity of the tail wagging the dog.

666 is not only the sign of the ascendance of the tail (quantity) but of uniformity. And as that seer and visionary, Rene' Guenon, points out: uniformity is not unity. Uniformity is the ruthless advance of "the reign of quantity" which leads ever onward to greater separation. Replaceable parts is the order of the day and humans are nothing but parts.

This quantitative world is accelerating and making the earth over into its own image as it goes. This juggernaut will destroy itself as it gets so far from Quality it can only implode. Thus the end of this Kali Yuga, a brief pause, and the cosmic cycle begins again but newly.


  1. Yes, when the quantity of our food and fresh water goes to zero, then so do we.

  2. Any self perpetuating system that feeds off itself will either become swollen with emptiness or starve to death... "This world" sets us up to "feed "on each other... Not good... The "Natural world" allows us to "feed" from a different source... very good...

  3. Good food for thought, George. Thank you.

  4. I appreciate this observation George. It provides me with a more balancing perspective for much of what I am seeing in human behaviors.

  5. As always, George, thanks for shining the light.
