Wednesday, November 10, 2010

in tune

Prayer is getting ourselves in tune. Becoming attuned requires some degree of dropping off or letting go, how much depending on the amount of barnacles we have accumulated on our soul's core intimacy.


  1. A great reminder, George. Prayer is often thought of as our talking to God. Are we open enough and our minds quiet enough to hear what God may be saying to us?

  2. You're right, George. Sometimes I'm a little sharp ... have to turn it down and maybe go a little flat ... then bring it up a bit to where I can feel the resonance and know I'm in tune.

  3. So true George... What works for me is to get out of the way and let the Spirit have at it...

  4. I really appreciate Gregory's reference to resonance. That remains one of the best ways I know to recognize being in tune.

  5. In tune: My cup runneth over.
    Kenosis: There is no cup--only water.

