Monday, April 27, 2015

the mocking of Jesus on the cross

"The mocking of Jesus on the cross continues to this day. 

We stare into the mirror at our own Medusa reflection and turn to stone with our eternal selfie or we open to the continuous flow of birth and death and resurrection of That-Which-Births-Us-And-Gives-Us-Life." 

(From my forthcoming book, "The Hidden Third: The Story of God.")

rooting and grounding in love

Spiritual Practice (Qi Gung):
"Rooting and grounding in Love." This is an actual whole body movement with the condensing of rooting and grounding then the opening and expansion of Love. It has its own rhythm. You can hear it and feel it in the words as you repeat them: rooting and grounding in Love, rooting and grounding in Love. Get up and do it. Condense. Expand. Condense. Expand. Do the body movements that come naturally. Breathe!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

the hidden third

I am enamored of "The Hidden Third" which can resolve much division. For example, imagine a triangle. At its flat base, place "Buddha" on the left of the baseline and "Christ" on the right. On this straight line they are eternally divisive, forever apart. Now, at the apex of the triangle, put "The Hidden Third." The Hidden Third gives birth to both simultaneously. Separate unto themselves but not separate at all. The Hidden Third gives birth to and resolves all paradox, all duality, with no resolution.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

zen name

My Zen name was once Nothing Doing.
Now it is Wreck Loose.