Friday, November 11, 2011

sin and salvation

Regardless of one's religion or philosophy of life, the universe is one dynamic interflow. Inwardly, we are in relationship with and as that interflow. Outwardly, we express the nature and depth of this relationship.

When we lapse into contracted constipation, this is what is traditionally known as "sin." We become knot heads. No interflow for us. We clench our teeth and tighten our jaws and, by damn!, make our way. All is difficult and an obstacle.

When we move with the interflow both inwardly and outwardly, this is what is traditionally known as being "saved." Our open heartmind pulsates in rhythm and synchrony with the open heartmind of the universe. All becomes simple and easy.

Why didn't the evangelist in the lime green pants and lemon yellow coat explain it this way to me as a child? He did do one thing though. He got the interflow moving in that little Baptist church.

And where is Jesus in all this? Laughing and saying things like "Right on!"


  1. Opening is such an amazing process, but when I fall into " sin" as you describe so well above, it is strange how opening does not seem like much of an option. It is so easy to get Mesmerized by the illusion of circumstance into living with 'constipation".

    The inter flow remains there for us. Opening to it with loving kindness always produces such amazing yet simplistically beautiful results.

  2. Yes: what you guys said! It's like the creatures that lived at the bottom of the river in Bach's lovely book, "Illusions". Quit clinging and the river delights to lift us, free to soar...Yes!
