Tuesday, May 10, 2011

no theocracy

"The color of water is the color of its vessel." (Junayd, 10th century)

Water also assumes the form of its vessel. Hence, the great differences among religions, philosophies, and thought systems, and among the individuals within each of those consciousness systems.

Same water. Different colors. Different forms.

I reckon the Great Ah-Hoo-Ah-Hoo-Ah did not desire to set up a state religion. The Theos wants no theocracy.


  1. A beautiful analogy, George
    Thanks !!

  2. Maybe so, but my vessel's color and shape are the True Color and Shape! (Birds of vessel do not wrestle.)


  3. Just what I needed to read today. I was looking for some words to help me converse on this very subject with one of my children. Thanks George!
