Monday, October 4, 2010

the underlying transcendent

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55: 8-9)

If you wish to open to God and you have a pre-ordained understanding of God, you are opening to your pre-ordained understanding and not to God.

If you equate God with love, then you are opening to love. If awareness, then awareness. If energetic power, then energetic power. You are opening to your own equation and not to God.

Opening to love, awareness, and energetic power is mighty fine. Just don't think you are opening to God. You are opening to you.

Note: For those of you who get all shook up at God language, "God" equals that which both underlies and transcends existence. Call it what you will. By whatever name you give it, the underlying transcendent is the underlying transcendent.


  1. Whatever "God" is, it is beyond human comprehension, though not beyond experiencing and knowing. It's rather difficult to open to something you cannot ever comprehend, yet know. This is why knowing God eludes most people. We search for God outside ourselves and seek to understand Him because that is the easy place and way to search. We miss looking within and therefore miss that which we seek.

  2. And we gender a "God" creating patriarchal hierachy further personifying and distancing as we swim in that indefinable "God"....heron

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly, George. And I'm not even sure we can "experience" or "know" God. To think we can is just yet another self-perpetuated mind-game. After a bunch of years, I've come to agree with the Buddhist conclusion that the only way to not fool myself is to not think about God in any concrete terms. Myths and symbols, maybe, but nothing more definitive.

  5. Dear George Hello,

    I have no problem knowing that Gods ways are higher than mine. you said: "..Just don't think you are opening to God. You are opening to you."
    okay i can go with that...and knowing that everything is part of God and everything is sacred like the Native Americans say...makes me feel close to God...and I thank God for that! :-)

  6. I wish there was a "like" button for blogging. :)
