Saturday, June 25, 2011

trance end

A major trap in christianity is the worship of Jesus. One is then let off the hook as far as any major change in self. The way out of this glorified confinement is to BE LIKE  Jesus, a son or daughter of the cosmos in tune with and relying solely on the in-spire-ation of That-Which-Breathes-Us. To do so one must develop and allow great capacity. This requires going out of one's chatter-brain. It seems much easier to be a chatter-brained Jesus worshiper than to be a spiritual sibling of Jesus. All one has to do is keep attending the club and having confidence that one is saved (whatever that means). To live as an offspring of the Wellspring requires that one be totally lost. And to never ever be found again.


  1. Yes...the last two lines are 'trance-ending'! Thanks, George! ~ Cathy :)

  2. I was looking for these exact words this morning. I should have know there were Here!

    Thanks George for this excellent, timely reminder to trance end.
