Tuesday, December 21, 2010


What is Christ if not a symbol of our own mythos, our own story, our own birth, trials, crucifixion, death, and rebirth, our own ascension to cosmic awareness and responsibility? We are Christs in the making, emerging from our chrysalis to meet all crisis.


  1. We are Christs in the midst of evolution.

    An evolving Heart

    Eclipsed by tribulations

    Emerging and Ascending to total illumination

    Happy Solstice

  2. Thank you George... From our days in the "garden". To our own "wilderness wandering" to our "throwing down" our crowns at His feet... The more I read, the more His word seems like a mirror, rather than a statement... "More like falling in love,than something to believe in. More like losing my heart, than giving my allegiance"...
    "Re-turning" to my first love, the "God in me"...

  3. The Fractalization of Illumination

    The break-down of the cosmic light continues
    and continues and continues and continues...

    Every photon is a universe

  4. Deep appreciation for these comments.
    Christopher, I regard it more as a plan of action.

  5. Wow! Great stuff! Time to rise and shine!
