Christianity's seeking of salvation of the soul and secular society's pursuit of goodness for the self are similar arrows shot from not very different bows with the same motivation: self-preservation and self-enjoyment. Both are perversions of Spirit.
A human, like all life forms, is a conduit for Spirit to unfold. The LifeForce itself seeks salvation, from us and from all form.
We humans have not been around all that long. For us to make the purpose of life to be our salvation, our fulfillment, is pitiful and laughable. We are conduits through which Spirit flows. Forget the salvation of your soul. Forget trying to kiss yourself on your lips. It's not about you. It's not about us. It's about Something Much Bigger.
Our only duty is to embody That Which Breathes Us, the Formless which assumes (and passes through on Its journeying) all form. All else is a sucking of our thumb.
Thanks for this excellent reminder to breathe the love that breathes me.